June 2014

Andrea Franceschini, Tom Mudd, Tony Steffert and Anthony Prechtl present research talks at the Centre for Research in Computing 2014 PhD conference.

Professor John Rink, Professor of Musical Performance Studies at the University of Cambridge, gave a departmental talk at the Open University on “Creating the Musical Work: From Archive to ‘Dynamic Edition’”.

Rose Johnson successfully defended her thesis entitled: In Touch with the Wild: Exploring Real-time Feedback for Learning to Play the Violin. Her examiners were Prof Stephen Brewster (Glasgow Univ) and Anthony Steed (UCL).

Tom Mudd presented his paper on Dynamical Systems in Interaction Design for Improvisation at the Workshop on Human Computer Improvisation 2014 as part of the ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems in Vancouver, Canada.

Simon Holland served as rapporteur for the successful oral defence of Jeremie Garcia, a PhD candidate jointly supervised by three research institutions: Université Paris-Sud, INRIA (Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique Saclay) and IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique Musique).

Matt Bellingham presented “A cognitive dimensions analysis of interaction design for algorithmic composition software” at the 25th Anniversary Psychology of Programming PPIG 2014 Conference in Brighton 25-27June.

Simon Holland, Fanny Grasselly and Kevin Deleaye give a talk and demonstration at Manchester Metropolitan University on “The Haptic Bracelets: Multi-limb Haptic Interaction from Music to Medicine”.