PhD Places

Music Computing PhDs can be very varied. A strong interest in music is essential. Formal musical training is not essential, but applicants should at minimum have good musical skills. Generally, we expect applicants to be capable programmers, but we are also interested in candidates who may instead or in addition have other skills, such as HCI evaluation, educational evaluation, or ethnography. Applicants often have, or expect to gain, a Masters degree in a relevant discipline. Students with a bachelors degree (normally 1st or 2.1 class), or with strongly relevant experience will also be considered.

Funded full-time PhD scholarships are highly competitive, but there are typically opportunities every year. We are also highly experienced in, and successful at, supervising part time PhD students.

Prospective students interested in Music Computing are urged to contact one or more of the potential supervisors (see below) for informal discussions.

Dr Simon Holland s.holland ‘insert-at-sign-here’
Dr Robin Laney r.c.laney ‘insert-at-sign-here’

Research Degrees in Music Computing (needs updating)