
Music Research at The Open University
The Pervasive Interaction Lab
The Human Centred Computing Research Group
Sound and Music Computing Research Centres

Related Projects

The E-Sense Project
The Harmony Space Project

Journals of Interest

Analytical Approaches to World Music

“The editors of Analytical Approaches to World Music welcome submissions that engage the analytical, theoretical, and cultural aspects of the panoply of world musical traditions. These may take the form of articles of moderate length (approximately 5000–12,000 words), as well as shorter essays, research notes, interviews, editorials, reviews, or any other innovative mode of scholarly discourse. We particularly encourage submissions that take full advantage of our online format by including sound files, video clips, photos, animations, interactive examples and hyperlinks.”

Computer Music Journal

“Computer Music Journal is published quarterly with an annual music disc. For more than three decades, it has been the leading publication about computer music, concentrating fully on digital sound technology and all musical applications of computers. This makes it an essential resource for musicians, composers, scientists, engineers, and computer enthusiasts and anyone exploring the wonders of computer-generated sound.”

5-yr Impact Factor: 1.173
2010 Impact Factor: 1.588
2009 Impact Factor: 0.486
2008 Impact Factor: 0.909
2007 Impact Factor: 1.094
2006 Impact Factor: 1.125
2005 Impact Factor: 0.486

Empirical Musicology Review

“GOAL: The aim of Empirical Musicology Review is to provide an international forum promoting the understanding of music in all of its facets. In particular, EMR aims to facilitate communication and debate between scholars engaged in systematic and observation-based music scholarship.

“SCOPE: Empirical Musicology Review publishes original research articles, commentaries, editorials, book reviews, interviews, letters, and data sets. Suitable topics include music history, performance, theory, education, and composition – with an emphasis on systematic methods, such as hypothesis-testing, modeling, and controlled observation. Submissions pertaining to social, political, cultural and economic phenomena are welcome. Theoretical and speculative articles are welcome provided they contribute to the forming of empirically testable hypotheses, models or theories, or they provide critiques of methodology.

“DISTRIBUTION: Empirical Musicology Review is published four times per year by the Ohio State University Library and is distributed by the OSU Knowledge Bank.

“ISSN: 1559-5749

“HISTORY: Empirical Musicology Review was founded by David Huron and David Butler in 2004 and began publishing in January 2006. The editorial process for EMR pioneers a new “Public Peer Review” practice that is intended to encourage scholarly dialog and reward reviewers for timely and thoughtful engagement with submissions. Published articles are normally accompanied by commissioned or submitted critiques.”

JMM: The Journal of Music and Meaning

“JMM: The Journal of Music and Meaning is an on-line peer-reviewed journal for multidisciplinary research on music and meaning. The editorial profile of JMM accommodates an inclusive plurality of methods and disciplines and welcomes contributions from a variety of fields, such as: philosophy, mathematics, physics, musicology, medicine, acoustics, neurology, theology, literary studies, philosophy of science, music pedagogy, computer science, semiotics, sociology, linguistics, religious studies, anthropology, psychology, biology, education studies, music therapy, culture studies, etc. JMM aims to bridge the gap between various studies in meaning and signification and areas of research in music. JMM especially encourages any multidisciplinary research on meaning that is able to challenge conceptions of music, or research that explores the notion of meaning by the study of musical phenomena.”

Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies

“The Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies (JIMS) is an international peer-reviewed journal. Published twice per year, it aims to establish a broad interdisciplinary platform for music researchers. JIMS especially promotes collaborations between sciences and humanities and between theory and practice, and provocative submissions that stimulate interdisciplinary discussion. JIMS is unique among international music research journals in its coverage of all epistemological approaches to all musical issues.”

Journal of Mathematics and Music

“Journal of Mathematics and Music aims to advance the use of mathematical modelling and computation in music theory. The Journal focuses on mathematical approaches to musical structures and processes, including mathematical investigations into music-theoretic or compositional issues as well as mathematically motivated analyses of musical works or performances. In consideration of the deep unsolved ontological and epistemological questions concerning knowledge about music, the Journal is open to a broad array of methodologies and topics, particularly those outside of established research fields such as acoustics, sound engineering, auditory perception, linguistics etc.”

5-yr Impact Factor: 0.714
2010 Impact Factor: 0.526
2009 Impact Factor: 1.167

Journal of Music Theory

“The Journal of Music Theory fosters conceptual and technical innovations in abstract, systematic musical thought and cultivates the historical study of musical concepts and compositional techniques. The journal publishes research with important and broad applications in the analysis of music and the history of music theory as well as theoretical or metatheoretical work that engages and stimulates ongoing discourse in the field. While remaining true to its original formalist outlook, the journal also addresses the influences of philosophy, mathematics, computer science, cognitive sciences, and anthropology on music theory.”

Journal of New Music Research

“JNMR seeks to establish an interdisciplinary foundation for the creation and study of music by means of the most advanced technologies, by publishing material which is both scientifically rigorous and musically relevant. JNMR draws on disciplines ranging from musicology (music theory, aesthetics, sociology), psychology (from psychoacoustics to cognitive psychology – with emphasis on modelling), acoustics (including sound engineering), computer science (from signal processing to artificial intelligence), philosophy (epistemology and methodology) to brain sciences.”

5-yr Impact Factor: 0.768
2010 Impact Factor: 0.755
2009 Impact Factor: 0.521
2008 Impact Factor: 0.543
2007 Impact Factor: 0.327
2006 Impact Factor: 0.475
2005 Impact Factor: 0.650

Leonardo Music Journal

“Leonardo is many things – first, it is the name of the Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (ISAST), which focuses on artists working with science- and technology-based media and which has been in publication for nearly 40 years.”

Musicae Scientiae

“MUSICAE SCIENTIAE (the Journal of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music) publishes empirical, theoretical and critical articles directed at increasing understanding of how music is perceived, represented and generated. Any systematic work within the domains of psychology, philosophy, aesthetics, music analysis, musicology, cognitive science, education, artificial intelligence, modelling and neuropsychology that advances that aim will be considered for acceptance.”

5-yr Impact factor: 0.529
2010 Impact Factor: 0.698
2009 Impact Factor: 0.561
2008 Impact Factor: 0.385
2007 Impact Factor: 0.250
2006 Impact Factor: 0.231
2005 Impact Factor: 0.171

Music Perception

“Publishing original empirical and theoretical papers, methodological articles and critical reviews from renowned scientists and musicians, Music Perception is a repository of insightful research.

“The broad range of disciplines covered in the journal includes: Psychology; Psychophysics; Linguistics; Neurology; Neurophysiology; Artificial intelligence; Computer technology; Physical and architectural acoustics; Music theory.”

5-yr Impact Factor: 1.675
2010 Impact Factor: 1.742
2009 Impact Factor: 1.714
2008 Impact Factor: 1.068
2007 Impact Factor: 0.677
2006 Impact Factor: 1.451
2005 Impact Factor: 0.917

Music, Sound, and the Moving Image

“Music, Sound, and the Moving Image is the first international scholarly journal devoted to the study of the interaction between music and sound with the entirety of moving image media – film, television, music video, advertising, computer games, mixed-media installation, digital art, live cinema, et alia.”

Music Theory Online

“Music Theory Online is the refereed, electronic journal of the Society for Music Theory, Inc. Published several times each year, each issue includes features such as articles, book reviews, and reports from a distinguished panel of International Correspondents. In addition, MTO publishes announcements of upcoming conferences and calls for papers, a list of job opportunities, abstracts of recently completed dissertations, and summaries of recently published books.”

Music Theory Spectrum

“Music Theory Spectrum is the official print journal of the Society for Music Theory and includes feature articles and book reviews on all topics that intersect with music theory and analysis, such as aesthetics, the history of theory, linear analysis, atonal theory, transformational networks, and narratology. Periodic special issues encourage contributors to delve deeply into one area of musical study.”

Organised Sound

“Organised Sound is an international peer-reviewed journal which focuses on the rapidly developing methods and issues arising from the use of technology in music today. It concentrates upon the impact which the application of technology is having upon music in a variety of genres, including multimedia, performance art, sound sculpture and music ranging from popular idioms to experimental electroacoustic composition. It provides a unique forum for anyone interested in electroacoustic music studies, its creation and related developments to share the results of their research as they affect musical issues. An accompanying CD/CD-ROM/DVD is sent to subscribers annually.”

Perspectives of New Music

“Perspectives of New Music is directed to a readership consisting of composers, performers, scholars, and all others interested in any kind of contemporary music. Published material includes theoretical research, analyses, technical reports, position papers by composers, sociological and philosophical articles, interviews, reviews, and, for special purposes, short musical scores or other creative productions.”

Psychology of Music

“Psychology of Music publishes peer-reviewed papers directed at increasing the scientific understanding of any psychological aspect of music. These include studies on listening, performing, creating, memorising, analysing, describing, learning, and teaching, as well as applied social, developmental, attitudinal and therapeutic studies. Special emphasis is placed on studies carried out in naturalistic settings, especially those which address the interface between music psychology and music education.”

2010 Impact Factor: 1.182

Psychomusicology: Music, Mind and Brain

“Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain publishes leading-edge content in the field of music perception, cognition and neuroscience. The Journal invites authors to submit full-length manuscripts reporting experiments, integrative and evaluative reviews of research, and theoretical papers that are either based on or related to experimental research. The Journal also welcomes Research Notes which are brief reports of research in progress, methodology or instrumentation. Commentaries on trends in the field or on material published in the Journal and Letters to the Editor will also be accepted. Translations into English of significant papers otherwise unavailable may be submitted, including a short companion paper contextualizing the work or works. Descriptions of training programs or laboratories specializing in the area of psychomusicology are also welcome. The Journal may include the titles and abstracts of recent theses. Book reviews will typically be by invitation only, however correspondence regarding a book of interest may be directed to either the Editor or the Book Review Editor.”

Conferences (Forthcoming)

Seventh International Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology

Glasgow, Scotland, 30th August – 3rd September, 2011.

Audio Mostly (AM) 2011

Coimbra, Portugal 7–9 September 2011.
Submission deadline 29 April 2011.

International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology 2011

Cologne, 5–7 October 2011.
Submission deadline 30 April 2011.

International Symposium for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) 2011

Miami, Florida, 24–28 October 2011.
Submission deadline 6 May 2011.

International Conference on Music and Emotion 2011

Perth, Australia, 30 November–3 December 2011.
Submission deadline 2 May 2011.

Joint Conference: 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) and 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM) 2012

Thessaloniki, Greece, 23–28 August 2012.
Submission deadline 5 December 2011.


International Computer Music Association (ICMA)

“The International Computer Music Association is an international affiliation of individuals and institutions involved in the technical, creative, and performance aspects of computer music. It serves composers, engineers, researchers and musicians who are interested in the integration of music and technology.”

International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR)

Society for Education, Music and Psychology Research (SEMPRE)

“Sempre remains to this day the only society which embraces research in both music education and music psychology, providing an international forum to encourage the exchange of ideas and to disseminate research findings. The Society is particularly keen to encourage the participation of those at the start of their research career and to maintain a broad membership that reflects the considerable range of interests that are represented within music education and the psychology of music. Membership includes free copies of the journal, reduced fees for attendance at conferences, and entitlement to apply for a range of financial awards that are intended to foster new research and assist the work of new researchers.”

Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music (SMCM)

“The Society was founded in 2006 as an International Forum for researchers and musicians working in the trans-disciplinary field at the intersection of music, mathematics and computation.”

The Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC)

“The Society for Music Perception and Cognition is a not-for-profit organization for researchers and others interested in music perception and cognition. The objectives of SMPC are:

  • to further the scientific and scholarly understanding of music from a broad range of disciplines, including music theory, psychology, psychophysics, linguistics, neurology, neurophysiology, ethology, ethnomusicology, artificial intelligence, computer technology, physics and engineering;
  • to facilitate cooperation among scholars and scientists who are engaged in research in this interdisciplinary field; and
  • to advance education and public understanding of knowledge gained.”

The Society for Music Theory (SMT)

“The Society for Music Theory (SMT) promotes music theory as both a scholarly and a pedagogical discipline. Today our Society has a membership of over 1200 music theorists worldwide, whose interests embrace a varied and growing range of subject matter.”

Mailing Lists and Fora


“AMS-L is the electronic discussion list organized by the American Musicological Society to facilitate and encourage electronic discussion on musicology and related topics. Anyone may participate.”


“An email list for the discussion of organizational aspects of auditory perception.”


“ is an online community of scholars interested in the applications of computers in music research. It was initiated as part of a research project at Goldsmiths’ College, University of London called Purcell Plus which aims to assess the impact of e-Science on musicology. The project conducted a general survey of musicologists (targeting especially English-speaking scholars) asking them about how they use computer technology in their work and what they might expect from computer technology. Respondents were also asked if they would be interested in joining a mailing list to discuss computer technology for music research. This online community is centred around that mailing list.”


“This list is historically based on a network of music departments established with EU funding from about 1990 in most of the countries of Western and Central Europe. It is free for anyone to join who wishes to discuss European issues in musicology, or publicize forthcoming events and matters of interest, etc.”


“Superlist for lists at JISCMail concerned with academic musicology (including music history, theory and analysis, etc).”


“This is the mailing list of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval. It was established in 2002 so as to provide an informal forum for the discussion of issues in theoretical and applied research and development in this emerging field, for the dissemination of related announcements, in particular about further ISMIR conferences, etc.”

Psymus Online

“Psymus is an online discussion forum run by SEMPRE. It is intended for discussion on any matters relating to research in education, music and psychology research. It replaces the previous PsyMus email discussion list. The forum is open to anyone interested in reading or contributing to the discussion; subscription is free and is not limited to SEMPRE members. Subscribers may register online and contribute to the forum directly.”


Society of Music Theory email list.

SysMus Group

Systematic musicology—Members of the SysMus Group are invited to share information about conferences, job ads, scholarships, latest publications, other relevant events and future collaborations. The SysMus Group will also function as a platform for discussions on a wide range of topics, and members have the possibility to ask research-related questions to the group.



“Launched by collaborative teams from UK Universities, and coordinated by Queen Mary, University of London, the Digital Music Research Network aims to promote research in this area, by bringing together researchers from UK universities and industry in electronic engineering, computer science, and music.”

Network for Interdisciplinary Studies in Science, Technology, and Music

n-ISM is an inter-disciplinary, inter-faculty, inter-institutional, international consortium of collaborating researchers. We are inter-disciplinary because we are active in projects which involve different disciplines operating different research methodologies. So in an n-istic project involving Composition, Performance and Engineering, for example, work will be undertaken demanding the deployment of skills associated with each discipline at the highest level, with the potential of advancement in all fields. The research outcomes often give rise to new, richer trans-disciplinary approaches to research.”

Useful Software



OSC for swi Prolog

See also

Useful Sites

Excellent advice on Good Writing.

Thumbnail overview comparing and contrasting qualitative methods including phenomenology and ethnography. (Thanks to Minh Tran for tip).

Conferences (Been and Gone)

International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD) 2011

Budapest, 20–23 June 2011.
Submission deadline 31 January 2011.

BCS HCI 2011 Workshop – When Words Fail: What can Music Interaction tell us about HCI?

Newcastle Upon Tyne, 4 July 2011.
Submission deadline 1 May 2011.

Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC) 2011

Padova, 6–9 July 2011.
Submission deadline 25 March 2011.

International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2010

New York 1-5 June 2010
Submission deadline 31 December 2009.

International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expession (NIME) 2010

Sydney 7-11 June 2010.
Paper submission deadline 29 January 2010

Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC) 2010

Barcelona 21-24 July 2010
Submission deadline c. April 2010.

International Symposium for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) 2010

Utrecht 9-13 August 2010.
Extended Submission Deadline 24 March 2010.

International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD) 2010

Washington 9-15 June 2010.
Submission deadline 5 February 2010.

International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) 2010

Seattle 23-27 August 2010.
Submission deadline 15 December 2009.

Audio Mostly (AM) 2010

Piteå 15-17 September 2010.
Submission deadline 31 May 2010.

International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC) 2011

Mexico City 27–29 April 2011.
Paper submission deadline 13 December 2010.

New Interfaces for Music Expression (NIME) 2011

Oslo, Norway 30 May–01 June 2011.
Paper submission deadline 31 January 2011.

International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM 2011)

IRCAM, Paris, 15–17 June 2011.
Submission deadline 21 January 2011.

International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2011

Huddersfield, 31 July–5 August 2011.
Submission deadline 18 January 2011.

Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC) 2011

Rochester, NY, 11–14 August 2011.
Submission deadline 15 January 2011.

Additions in Progress

TEI – Tangible and Embedded/EMbodied Interaction
UIST – User Interface Software Technology
CHI – Computer Human Interaction
HCI – Human Computer Interaction
Neurosciences and Music
HAID – Haptic Audio and Interface Design
Pervasive Interaction